SYS: Update #10

Hello everyone!

I'm very happy to announce that work on a new expansion / addon for SYS has been completed and it is titled "KNOCKOUT"!

Patrons can download this new content from here:


So, what exactly does SYS KNOCKOUT add to the game? Well, I was mainly inspired by old Fighting Games and also partly by the Wrestle Angels series. A range of fighters have now been added to the game and every few rounds a Fight Night will start where these characters will duke it out in the ring!

Players now have the opportunity to place some bets on a fighter in order to make some big money - or lose a lot if their chosen fighter fails to secure a win. Once a Fight Night is starting, everyone will be greeted with this screen:

Everyone can here place their bets, there are no limits as to how much one can bet. By clicking on the various player portraits you'll switch between players so that everyone can place a bet. Clicking on an AI Player Portrait will show you the bets they have placed. Once all of that is done, simply click the "WATCH" button to get into the ring!

Here the different fighters will duke it out and each of them behaves differently depending on their stats. Some of them have good defense, others have big weight behind their punches and others again are very quick with their strikes. Eventually one of them will be knocked out (hence the name of this expansion) and everyone who has bet on the winner will get double their money back.

The winner will strike a pose and in this example the lovely Na-Ku-Nu has won. She's my favourite out of the bunch and it's totally not because of her Twintails or juicy legs, nope! ;D

This small match has costed our dear Celine 1,500$. With that amount of money she could've bought a small store instead or invest it into stocks. As I mentioned before, you can make some huge money here but the risk is also pretty big.

Outside of the matches there's also some new stuff to do! There is now a new Sub-Menu in the Home Screen which will bring you to the list of fighters where you can train them!

Here you see all 8 fighters and their stats. By pressing on the arrows you can spend some money and an action point to increase either the Attack, Defense or Speed stat by one point. Worth mentioning: The higher their stats are the more the training will cost you. Also, you can not increase the same stat more than once between Fight Nights! By increasing the stats of your chosen fighter you'll increase their chances of winning and thus your chances of striking it big!

On a small sidenote, every player gets notified about an upcoming Fight Night via the News Ticker:

That should give you enough time to train your fighter or save up some cash for the upcoming fights.

And that's pretty much all that Is worth mentioning! I'd also like to quickly add that, like with most of the stuff in this game, I did not hardcode these fighters, so you can totally mod in your own ones! Do note though that there can always only be 8 fighters in a game and if there are more than 8 available then the game will chose them at random at the beginning of the game.

Also, the AI now has a new set of rules for their behaviours and personality. Some characters like MC, Cino or Lexi will often bet on fights, where as people like Nexa and Angelique will be a bit more careful! And Leonora will never place bets because she doesn't care, of course! ;)

That's all for this update! For a complete overview of everything this patch does please refer to the changelog down below.

  • Added "Fight Night" as new Gameplay Feature.
  • Added new behaviours to AI Personalities which determine how often and how much they're willing to bet during Fight Nights.
  • Added a new Sub Menu to the Home Screen which allows players to invest & train fighters to increase their stats.
  • Fixed a very nasty bug which should now increase performance in matches with high player count immensely.

I hope you'll have fun with the game!
Please stay tuned for further updates in the future! ('ᴗ')


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