SYS: Update #22

Hello everyone!

The newest patch for SYS has been completed and is now out, ready for download. Patrons can download this new content from here:


As I've previously announced, this here will be the last update of the game before the final version will go public sometime shortly after New Year's of 2022. Since the update at the beginning of December was meant to be the major content patch for this month, for this update I made sure to do a lot of re-balancing and re-working of things which have irked me for quite some time and which I've been wanting to change. So most will be behind the scenes stuff but still, considering that Christmas is just around the corner I've of course made some Christmas Maps (as I've announced some time ago) and they all use the new Winter Theme I've made, so let's get right to it! ^_^

First up we have is a 2 Player Map (fittingly) called "Winter Land".

A common theme all of these maps have is A: There are no Bus Stops and B: There are no Vacation Tiles! So depending on who you play as this can be a good or bad thing. Also, all of them have the special Hat Café.

Next is a 4 Player Map called "Aurora".

I first wanted to go for a 100% symmetrical layout for this one but in the end I decided to not do that because I think this one layout here should provide for some more interesting matches. (◠‿◠) Considering its size and that it has 2 Drink Tiles it's also well suited for Party Mode!

And then we have a 6 Player Map named "Polaris".

This is an excellent map for a 2v2v2! Or perhaps a 3v3 if you set the teams L/R. Like with "Winter Land", I've also made sure that every second Tile is a "4SALE" one so that everyone can start building stuffs quickly! Property prices are very low, too!

Also worth mentioning, these are the only maps in the game to feature weather effects, in this case falling snow. I hope it will provide for a nice, christmassy feel and atmosphere. ('ᴗ')

Nexa enjoying some nice, warm soup at home while Celine further down the road is at the Sex Shop. ( ̄▽ ̄')

Also, while we're here, I let you in on a little secret! If the game can identify your system's settings and sees that it's currently December it will randomly spawn in Santa Claus flying through the night! The time he spawns in is always random, so you'll never know when he'll be there and you gotta be quick at spotting him because he moves kinda fast! > : 3

On Winter Themed Maps, Santa Claus only spawns in when it's December in real life.

Lastly we have a new Event Card, which is the 60th one in the game! It's called "Free Stocks".

I've noticed that for some reason a lot of players don't seem to utilize the Stock Market system all that much, so with this card I hope to change that a bit. When someone draws it, everyone will get 1 Stock from a random global Company (except for Sirinus Abell, if you want those you gotta fork out the cash yourself!), so this means that this card can be slightly useful if the random company is a smaller one, to very useful should you be so lucky to get Verzonia for example. Most of their stocks usually have a worth of 6,000$+, so that's basically big money for nothing, though remember that everyone will get the same randomly chosen stock from that one company! If you sell them right away for cash or keep them there for some dividends is of course up to you!

Well then, that wraps up this last update! With this I pretty much consider this game completed, unless I find some really nasty bug or something then I will of course fix that before the public release!

Here the complete changelog for this patch:

  • Added "Winter Land" as a new 2 Player Map.
  • Added "Aurora" as a new 4 Player Map.
  • Added "Polaris" as a new 6 Player Map.
  • Added "Free Stocks" to the Event Card pool.
  • Reworked Combat Personalities of the AI, they will now always try to evade when they have only 1 Hitpoint remaining.
  • Reworked all Sound effects for Event Cards: Fixed some missing ones, altered existing ones and swapped out some other ones.
  • Modified Tennis Courts, they now have increased construction costs.
  • Modified the Total Money earned Stats Counter in the Extras Stats screen, it should now no longer show decimal numbers.
  • Fixed Venus' Attack Sound, it wouldn't properly play because of a too high bitrate.
  • Fixed Venus' missing short description of her special abilities in the Balance screen.
  • Fixed a Bug in which the total amount of cash a player has wouldn't update on Venus' Stream Button when a player bought an estate and returned to the Home screen.
  • Fixed a Bug in which the tooltip notifying one that a shop can't be visited because of the "No Service" Event being in progress was getting overwritten by another tooltip letting a player know that another character likes / hates them.

I hope you'll have fun with the game!
The public release of the final version will be sometime after New Year's 2022. ('ᴗ')

Santa Snooley

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