SYS: Update #17

Hello everyone!

I'm very happy to announce that work on a new expansion / addon for SYS has been completed and it is titled "DARK ESSENCE"!

Patrons can download this new content from here:


So, if you've followed the last couple of updates then you pretty much know what this expansion brings to the game, but here is a short re-cap!

"Dark Essence", fittingly for Spooktober, adds some spooky elements and 2 new major game mechanics to  the game. 

The first one is a new special tile which can be found on maps. This tile acts like a special shop which can be visited by players and there they will be able to place curses on other players to make their lives more difficult. Depending on how much Zentra one is willing to pay, the curses can range from being a slight annoyance to causing some severe problems.

The next new major game mechanic is the inclusion of Demons! Everytime violence happens on the playing board, the eponymous Dark Essence is then released which Demon Characters can consume to get strong, permanent stat buffs! Demons are also immune to curses, in fact those will replenish their health if they get hit by one!

All Characters which are part of this new Character Class will share the same bonuses (similar to the Federal Agent class from Fujijo). The Demon this update brings to the game is our dear Tienne, though it seems like she's just "slightly" changed! 

This character will without a doubt become one of my favourites to play as because they provide a game experience which differs a bit from the regular characters. Here are a few more screenshots. :3

When you are in a game in which demons are present, attacking other players and their estates is something that should be thought about twice since demons consume Dark Essence which is generated by violence. So the more Violence = the stronger demons will become!

Here we can see that Tienne "pwnt" some poor old sod. (*˘~˘*)

We are about to upgrade our demonic brothel! :O
On the upper left we can also see a K.O.'d Freddy, lying in his own fart gas cloud. Someone smacked him good which caused him grief, thus we can see some precious Dark Essence Orbs floating around the tile. Once we're done upgrading our stuff, we'll go over there and munch them to hopefully get stronger! >:3

Surerly this is just some random flavour text and not actually a hidden gameplay mechanic ... right? ( ͡°‿ ͡°)

Other characters use their hands or legs to throw the dice. Demonic Tienne uses her Demon Tail. (˙꒳ ˙)

Time is the enemy if you fight against a character belonging to the Demon Character Class, because the more time passes, the more Dark Essence they'll consume, so better have a good strategy ready!

So yeah, beware of curses and demons, Dark Essence is now released! Worth mentioning: The next SYS update will also be available to all MC Patrons, because a week after that one there will be the next public release (fittingly around Halloween) which will contain all the previous updates and content from the last patches!

That's all for this update! For a complete overview of everything this patch does please refer to the changelog down below.

  • Added "Demon Tienne" as new playable character.
  • Added "Londyn's House" as a new Gameplay Feature. This is a visitable special tile on the map which lets you place curses on other players.
  • Added "Dark Essence" as new Gameplay Feature. These orbs are generated everytime violence occurs on the map and can be collected by Demons to make them stronger.
  • Added "Demons" as a new character class. These characters feed on the despair and misfortune of other characters and get stronger over time. They are also immune to curses.
  • Modified Name Displays in the Casino and Auction Screen, they should now properly show names which are very long.
  • Modified Hospitals, they now have increased hitpoints.

I hope you'll have fun with the game!
Please stay tuned for further updates in the future! ('ᴗ')


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